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Monday, 20 February 2006

10:00-10:15Welcome and Introduction
 Johannes Fournier (German Research Foundation)

Peter Schirmbacher (DINI & Humboldt University)
 Chair: Peter Schirmbacher (DINI & Humboldt University)

The next generation of IRs - enabling closer collaboration and networking
Lars Bjørnshauge (Lund University Library)

Digital repository infrastructure vision for European research
Norbert Lossau (Bielefeld University Library)
Session 1: Alternative Metrics of impact based on usage data - the LANL approach
 Chair: Frank Scholze (Stuttgart University Library)

Repository interoperability as basis for alternative metrics of impact
Jeroen Bekaert (Gent University)

Alternative metrics of journal impact based on usage data
Johann Bollen (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Session 2: Interoperable and standardised usage statistics
 Chair: Paul Ayris (University College London)

Interoperable Repository Statistics
Les Carr (University of Southampton)

Sebastian Mundt (HdM)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
Session 3: Open Access Citation Information
 Chair: Thomas Severiens (ISN Oldenburg)

Web Citation Index - The IR perspective
Ralf Schimmer (Max Planck Society)

Web Citation Index - Integration in Web of Science
Jeff Clovis (Thomson Scientific)

Open Access citation index services
Tim Brody (University of Southampton)
17:45End of Day 1
19:30Dinner in "Ratskeller Köpenick"

Tuesday, 21 February 2006

Breakout Sessions
3 parallel discussion groups:

I: How can the Los Alamos approach on alternative metrics of impact be taken up in Europe
 Chair: Frank Scholze (Stuttgart University Library)
  • What is needed from an infrastructural perspective of IRs?

  • In which formats do we need to store and communicate digital objects and its usage data?

  • How can the service itself be provided?

II: How can we achieve global interoperable usage statistics?
 Chair: Susanne Dobratz (Humboldt University)
  • What is needed from an infrastructural perspective of IRs?

  • Which services can be built on standardized usage statistics?

III: How can we achieve a framework for universal citation services based on OA content in IRs?
 Chair: Thomas Severiens (ISN Oldenburg)
  • What is needed from an infrastructural perspective of IRs?

  • How can reference parsing tools be integrated. How can reference resolving services be integrated? How can storage and communication of reference data be standardized?

  • How can Open Access citation index services be provided?
12:00-13:00Lunch Break


13:00-14:30Final Plenary Session

Chair: Elmar Mittler (State and University Library Göttingen)
Reporting and combining results

14:30End of Workshop